One arbitrary decision should not dictate the value of our land.
A decision made at the Hardin County Planning and Development Commission hearing on May 2 greatly diminished the value of our land and our neighbors’ land. Despite the recommendation of their own attorney, the Commission decided 3 – 1 that industrial development is not appropriate for land in the Western Kentucky Parkway Industrial Corridor. With one biased vote, they effectively decreased the value of our property.

We are interested in learning the opinions of all fellow landowners. Please complete the form below to share your opinion.
During the hearing, and against, the advice of their own attorney the Hardin County Planning and Development Commission staff and members determined that an Industrial Element identifying the Western Kentucky Parkway Industrial Corridor was rescinded from the Comprehensive Plan. Want to know what that means for you?
- Lost Property Value: Property located on arterial roads and existing infrastructure (especially in a time of economic development like that of BlueOval SK and the multiple other businesses locating to Hardin County) oftentimes increases in value exponentially. When Planning and Development said that the Western Kentucky Parkway Industrial Corridor is not eligible for industrial growth, they are effectively eliminating potential property value with a simple vote. A decision with such drastic consequences for landowners should be subject to public notice and discussion as the law requires.
- Illogical Growth Pattern: Comprehensive plans typically prioritize contiguous swaths of zoning to avoid high traffic development in locations not equipped to support the growth. The Western Kentucky Parkway Industrial Corridor currently has spots of industry (Vulcan Quarry, for example) that are not connected. The difference is a hodgepodge, subjective decision-making process versus logical, planned growth.The existence of these other industrial zoned parcels also shows clearly that industrial development was considered appropriate for this area in the past – what has changed?
- Missed Opportunities: Landowners by nature are always looking for opportunities to benefit from their property. Recent growth has provided many of us with opportunities we never imagined five, ten or twenty five years ago. We should be able to do what is best for our family when the opportunity arises.
- Prioritizing Agriculture: Kentucky is a Right-to-Farm state. In 1980, legislators passed Kentucky’s initial Right-to-Farm (RTF) law designed to conserve, protect, but simultaneously develop and improve agricultural land. So agriculture will never be off the table in our area and across Hardin County.